CHEM Talks launching
The Department of Chemistry is launching a new series of scientific seminars presenting the chemical research going on at the institute - "CHEM Talks". The seminars takes place on Fridays 12:15 - 12:45 and are given by one of the researchers at the institute.
The language of the seminars will always be English and thus the title and abstract below are in English.
Professor Jan Rossmeisl will give the first “CHEM Talks" Friday 22/1-2021 at 12:15.
“High Entropy Alloy Catalysis"
Production of chemicals has to be transformed from being based on oil and gas to being based on sustainable energy. This require new catalyst materials for energy conversion reactions. High entropy alloys consists of several metals randomly mixed. I will argue that this class of material is promising to catalyze the reactions.
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 666 7804 5899