The Copenhagen Pulse EPR Facility
The Copenhagen Pulse EPR Facility is a core facility available to researchers in academia and industry both within Denmark and internationally. The facility aims to provide both spectrometer access and research collaboration to promote the use of EPR worldwide and to facilitate in the development of new applications of EPR as well as improvements in EPR methods and instrumentation. The Copenhagen Pulse EPR Facility was established on the 1st of January 2022 thanks to a Research Infrastructure - Large equipment and facilities grant by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
The facility currently operates using a Bruker Elexsys E580 spectrometers. A brief list of the capabilities may be found below.
X-, Q-band pulse and CW spectrometer
- 1 kW X-band TWT pulse amplifier
- SpinJet AWG (Shaped pulses, PELDOR)
- 150 W RF Amplifier (ENDOR)
- High-power solid-state Q-band amplifier
- Manual and automated goniometers
- Continuous VT operation (permanent dewar, He level meter)
User data may be retrieved 24 hours after measurements have completed via access to the EPR facility computational server. A unique login is created for each user. Additional data analysis software such as EasySpin is available for facility users directly on the computational server.
To be considered for measurement time or to send samples for measurement, please utilize the submission form below or write to directly. A meeting will then be scheduled to discuss the goal of the measurements, sample form factor, measurements required, etc.
In the absence of a formal collaboration, we ask that the following acknowledgement statement be present on all forms of submitted communication such as conference attendance, presentations, and publications when including data generated or spectra recorded at the center.
“We thank the Copenhagen Pulse EPR Facility, supported by a Research Infrastructure - Large Equipment and Facilities grant (NNF21OC0068806) from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.”
When additional details are required, the following text may be included in the methods section after confirmation of the experimental details with a contact person from the center. The text below is given as an example only and will likely require modification to describe the exact experiments performed.
“EPR measurements were performed at X-band (~9.6 GHz) using a Bruker Elexsys E580 spectrometer equipped with a Flexline MD5 dielectric resonator. The measurements were performed at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Copenhagen Pulse EPR Facility."
When acknowledging the center during presentations, please include the NNF logo on the relevant slide or poster section.
For familiarization with the EPR technique, the AMPERE society compounds a wealth of useful books, lecture slides, and further resources at the following website:
AMPERE society EPR resources
Additional information concerning EPR theory and practice may be found on the LibreTexts Chemistry pages for EPR
22nd Meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society, Santos, Brazil, September 29-October 3, 2024
45th Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Fachgruppe Magnetische Resonanz Annual Meeting, Rostock, Germany, September 9-12, 2024
13th International Symposium on Heterogenous Catalysis and 1st International Conference on Electron Magnetic Resonance Applications, Burgas, Bulgaria, September 1-5, 2024
18th European Powder Diffraction Conference, Padova, Italy, August 30-September 2, 2024
Danish Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, August 15, 2024
55th International Meeting of the ESR group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, St. Andrews, Scotland, June 6-10, 2022
A summary of the discussions surrounding progress and goals of the center by the steering committee may be found in the following pdfs, annotated by year.
Stergios Piligkos
Facility director
Joseph McPeak
Facility manager
Department of Chemistry
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100, Denmark
Basement room Ø18