Theory of Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Energy and Charge Transfer - Hansen Group

We are two theoretical groups in the Department of Chemistry studying charge and energy transport through molecules. We are interested in conducting junctions, solar cells and photosynthetic protein complexes.

Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO)

The Hansen group focuses on its major project “Charge Transfer and Catalysis in Metalloproteins” funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. With collaborators in Lund, Sweden, Thorsten The Hansen group focuses on its major project “Charge Transfer and Catalysis in Metalloproteins” funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. With collaborators in Lund, Sweden, Thorsten Hansen continues a project on the quantum dynamics of photosynthesis funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR).

In August, Gemma Solomon and Thorsten Hansen cohosted an International Workshop on: Charge, Heat and Energy Transport in Molecular Junctions celebrating the 60th birthday of Professor Vladimiro Mujica.








Theory of Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Energy and Charge Transfer - Hansen Group

Nano-Science Center, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

Thorsten Hansen

Associate Professor
Office: C314A
Phone: +45 2229 5728