Stamou Lab
Our lab is developing disruptive technologies to study membranes and membrane proteins on the nanoscale using fluorescence microscopy. Membrane proteins are one of the most important classes of proteins in biology comprising more than 60% of existing pharmaceutical targets. Our current work focuses on two ubiquitous families of transmembrane proteins, G protein coupled receptors and transporters .
The exciting problems we are investigating are situated at the interface of biology, physics and nanotechnology, and to address them experimentally we have assembled a dynamic, interdisciplinary, group of top-tier biophysicists, biochemists, molecular and cellular biologists, and nanotechnologists.
Research keywords: Nanoscale membrane biophysics, membrane curvature, single molecules, fluorescence microscopy, Ras, G protein coupled receptors, primary and secondary active transporters.
Professor Stamou is currently heading the Center for Geometrically Engineered Cellular Systems (GEC). GEC is a collaborative project between the Stamou group and the groups of Prof. Jay Groves at UC Berkeley and Prof Orion Weiner at UC San Francisco.
Single Transporter Activity Recordings (STARs).
In a breakthrough paper in Science [1] we developed a method that resolved ionic currents with a million-fold higher sensitivity than the Nobel prize awarded method of patch clamp (atto-amperes). This allowed us to observe for the first time the function of single transporters, revealing the existence of functional heterogeneity based on hitherto unknown off-cycle states (i.e. ultra-stable inactive and leaky states with lifetimes 105-fold longer than those of states in the classical transport cycle). The dramatic consequence of this unforeseen complexity is that many fundamental mechanistic tenets that were based on macroscopic experiments of transport will have to be revised. This truly transformative innovation is the crowing achievement of a decade of research in our lab[2,3] and we believe is likely to spark off a technological and conceptual paradigm shift in the transport field.
Membrane curvature
Eukaryotic life is defined by the existence of intracellular membrane-bound organelles. Endomembranes are overall more curved than the plasma membrane their heterogeneous geometrical shapes however are not arbitrary, on the contrary they are so characteristic that they have become a hallmark of the different eukaryotic organelles.[4] To elucidate why this phenotype is so remarkably conserved we have pioneered several high-throughput nanoscopic methods to study how membrane curvature is affecting the function(s) of membranes and membrane proteins, with an emphasis on Ras and G protein coupled receptors.[5-7] Our contributions have overall helped establish the notion that the properties of biological membranes are defined equally by their lipid composition and their geometrical shape.[4]
Nanoscopic heterogeneity of biological membranes
Spatiotemporal compositional and functional heterogeneities are a hallmark of biological membranes. We are investigating the implications of these heterogeneities for biological function and also exploit them for technological applications. For example, with high-throughput single proteoliposome measurements we quantified the composition of single proteoliposomes revealing dramatic heterogeneities.[8] As we showed, compositional heterogeneities can severely skew ensemble-average proteoliposome measurements however, if averaging is avoided such heterogeneities can be exploited to enable high-content screens that enable a dramatic reduction in protein consumption (~billion-fold) as compared to conventional assays.[8] We are currently extending this project to investigate nanoscopic compositional and functional heterogeneities of G protein coupled receptors in live cells.
Science, 2016. 351 (6280): p. 1469-1473
Direct observation of proton pumping by a eukaryotic P-type ATPase
Salome Veshaguri, Sune M. Christensen, Gerdi C. Kemmer, Mads P. Møller, Garima Ghale, Christina Lohr, Andreas L.Christensen, Bo H. Justesen, Ida L. Jørgensen, Jürgen Schiller, Nikos S. Hatzakis, Michael Grabe, Thomas Günther Pomorski, Dimitrios Stamou -
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009. 106 (30): p. 12341
Quantification of nano-scale intermembrane contact areas using fluorescence resonance energy transfer.
Poul Martin Bendix, M. S. Pedersen and Dimitrios Stamou. -
Nature Nanotechnology, 2012. 7 (1): p. 51–55
Mixing sub-attolitre volumes in a quantitative and highly parallel manner with soft matter nanofluidics. S. M. Christensen; P.Y. Bolinger; N.S. Hatzakis; M.W. Mortensen and Dimitrios Stamou -
Nature Chemical Biology, 2015. 11 (11): p. 822-825
Membrane curvature bends the laws of physics and chemistry
Lars Iversen, Signe Mathiasen, Jannik Bruun Larsen, Dimitrios Stamou -
Nature Chemical Biology, 2009. 5 (11): p. 835
How Curved Membranes Recognize Amphipathic Helices and Protein Anchoring Motifs.
N. S. Hatzakis, V. K. Bhatia, J. Larsen, K. L. Madsen, P. Y. Bolinger, A. H. Kunding, J. Castillo, U. Gether, P. Hedegård and Dimitrios Stamou. -
Nature Chemical Biology, 2015. 11 (3): p. 192-194
Front Cover Page
Membrane curvature enables N-Ras lipid anchor sorting to liquid-ordered membrane phases
Jannik Bruun Larsen, Martin Borch Jensen, Vikram K. Bhatia, Søren L. Pedersen, Thomas Bjørnholm, Lars Iversen, Mark Uline, Igal Szleifer, Knud J. Jensen, Nikos S. Hatzakis and Dimitrios Stamou -
Nature Chemical Biology, 2017. 13: p. 724-729.
Front Cover Page
Membrane curvature regulates sorting of GPCRs within the plasma membrane of living cells in a ligand-specific manner
Kadla R. Rosholm, Natascha Leijnse, Anna Mantsiou, Vadym Tkach, Søren L. Pedersen, Volker F. Wirth, Lene B. Oddershede, Knud J. Jensen, Karen L. Martinez, Nikos S. Hatzakis, Poul Martin Bendix, Andrew Callan-Jones and Dimitrios Stamou -
Nature Methods, 2014. 11 (9): p. 931-934
Nanoscale high content analysis using compositional heterogeneities of single proteoliposomes
Signe Mathiasen, Sune M. Christensen,, Juan Jose Fung, Soren G. F. Rasmussen, Jonathan F. Fay, Sune K. Joergensen, Salome Veshaguri, David L. Farrens, Maria Byrne, Brian Kobilka, Dimitrios Stamou
Head of group:
Dimitrios Stamou
Aleksander Cvjetkovic
Christopher Shuttle
Salome Veshaguri
Theresa L. Boye
Ph.D students:
Eleftherios Kosmidis
Eleftheria Kazepidou
Gabriele Kockelckoren
Line Lauritsen
Mads Møller
Jesper Holmkvist
M.Sc. students:
Michelle Berling
Postdoctoral Fellows
Brian Lohse, Ph.D.
Faculty, University of Copenhagen
Poul Martin Bendix, Ph.D.
Faculty, University of Copenhagen
Nikos Hatzakis, Ph.D.
Faculty, University of Copenhagen
Lars Iversen, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Novozymes, Copenhagen
Elena Bertseva
Data engineer, Ørsted, Copenhagen
Garima Ghale
Venture Manager, Health Stream, Toronto
Ph.D. students
Vikram Bhatia
Senior Research Scientist, Symphogen, Copenhagen
Andreas Kunding
CEO and founder, SELMA Diagnostics, Copenhagen
Sune Christensen
Senior Research Scientist, Novozymes, Copenhagen
Li Wei
Scientist, Novozymes, Copenhagen
Christina Lohr
Product Manager Research Metrics, Elsevier, Amsterdam
Andreas Lauge
Patent Attorney Associate, Plougmann Vingtoft, Copenhagen
Jannik Larsen
Faculty, Technical University of Denmark
Asger Tønnesen
Research Assistant, Technical University of Denmark
Kadla Rosholm
Scientist, Sophion, Copenhagen
Signe Mathiasen
Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University Medical Center
Samuel Walsh
Adjunkt at Diplomingeniøruddannelse Bioteknologi, Center for Engineering Absalon, Copenhagen
Artu Breuer
Just graduated
Science, 2016. 351 (6280): p. 1469-1473 Full text
Direct observation of proton pumping by a eukaryotic P-type ATPase. S. Veshaguri, S. M. Christensen, G. C. Kemmer, M. P. Møller, G. Ghale, C. Lohr, A. L.Christensen, B. H. Justesen, I. L. Jørgensen, J. Schiller, N. S. Hatzakis, M. Grabe, T. G. Pomorski and D. Stamou
Nature Chemical Biology, 2015. 11 (11): p. 822-825 Full text
Invited Review Commentary for celebrating the 10th anniversary of Nature Chemical Biology Membrane curvature bends the laws of physics and chemistry. L. Iversen, S. Mathiasen, J. B. Larsen and D. Stamou
Nature Chemical Biology, 2015. 11 (3): p. 192-194 (Front cover page) Full text
Membrane curvature enables N-Ras lipid anchor sorting to liquid-ordered membrane phases. J.B. Larsen, M.B. Jensen, V.K. Bhatia, S.L. Pedersen, T. Bjørnholm, L. Iversen, M. Uline, I. Szleifer, K.J. Jensen, N.S. Hatzakis and D. Stamou
Nature Methods, 2014. 11 (9): p. 931-934 Full text
Nanoscale high content analysis using compositional heterogeneities of single proteoliposomes. S. Mathiasen, S.M. Christensen,, J.J. Fung, S.G.F. Rasmussen, J.F. Fay, S.K. Joergensen, S. Veshaguri, D.L. Farrens, M. Byrne, B. Kobilka and D. Stamou
Science, 2014. 345 (6192): p. 50-54 Full text
Single molecule analysis of Ras activation by SOS reveals allosteric regulation via altered fluctuation dynamics. L. Iversen, H.-L. Tu, W.-C. Lin, S. M. Christensen, S. M. Abel, J. Iwig, H.-J. Wu, J. Gureasko, C. Rhodes, R. S. Petit, S. D. Hansen, P. Thill, C.-H. Yu, D. Stamou, A. K. Chakraborty, J. Kuriyan and J. T. Groves.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2012, 7 (1): p. 51–55 Full text
Mixing sub-attolitre volumes in a quantitative and highly parallel manner with soft matter nanofluidics. S.M. Christensen, P.Y. Bolinger, N.S. Hatzakis, M.W. Mortensen and D. Stamou
Nature Chemical Biology, 2009. 5 (11): p. 835 Full text
How Curved Membranes Recognize Amphipathic Helices and Protein Anchoring Motifs. N.S. Hatzakis, V.K. Bhatia, J. Larsen, K.L. Madsen, P.Y. Bolinger, A.H. Kunding, J. Castillo, U. Gether, P. Hedegård and D. Stamou
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009. 106 (30): p. 12341 Full text
Quantification of nano-scale intermembrane contact areas using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. P.M. Bendix, M.S. Pedersen and D. Stamou
Stamou Lab
Department of Chemistry, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Dimitrios Stamou
Office: D514
Phone: +45 3532 0479
Cell: +45 2498 1658
E-mail: stamou@nano.ku.dk